free learning content dominates the web, but teachers are always in demand
RequestEnglish is destined to grow and, according to researcher David Gaddol ELT, which will peak around 2000 million students in the next 10 to 15 years. Given the scope of traditional learning is unlikely to face to face with language providers will be able to meet this need. The alternative for people who can not afford or have access to lessons in class, it is likely that e-learning. So what now offer virtual education?
For those who have no money, but much of the determination that there is an abundance of free online content that can access to develop their skills and knowledge. Some of the content comes from better service providers established in the UK as the BBC and the British Council.
site of BBC Learning English, a pioneer in offering a wide variety of materials, including interactive quizzes, games, audio based on newspaper articles and even a mini-drama interactive animated characters.
British Council Learn English websites offer a wide range of content for students from children to adults, and even serves students with a keen interest in football through its Premier Skills website.
Council InformationEnglish Kids site is exceptional, with some beautiful examples of games and language learning stories and some nice video clips and advice to parents on how to guide their children in the materials.
Meanwhile, the latest adventure of the Council include mobile learning and now offers a wide range of language learning applications that can be downloaded free of charge to handheld devices.
Some of the best examples are the English language listening library online, with more than 1000 classes for students to develop listening skills and ESOL classes, which has a variety of online documents a Basic playback singing lessons and competitions, which are classified according to their level.
much of the content of these sites is ideal for the development of language skills and reading and listening, but students can really develop their conversational skills online and if you want a true master? It is also possible, and platforms such as italki Palabea, offering teachers an opportunity to establish themselves as independent providers of education, individually or in small groups online. These sites use the video conferencing application like Skype in combination with materials whiteboard tools genuine online video across the web and their own home-made materials. To enable teachers and students to connect and program classes and in some cases, provide teachers the opportunity to charge for their services as tutors online.
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