Having failed to convince more than a few hundred primary schools to become academies on a voluntary basis, the Secretary of State for Education has become the playground bully, with draconian powers of the proxy force in the public schools of the academy, the removal of organs of democratically elected government, avoiding the important role of local education authorities and create more opportunities for the private sector to take over schools in England.
is clear that Haringey schools mentioned in your article (Gove accused of aggressive treatment of the primary school, December 16), and understand, like many others across the country are used to advance the agenda of government of the Academy. Education Department officials are spreading fear in the schools and put them under intense pressure to convert voluntarily rather than face the stigma of being forced to become academies by external sponsors such as schools say failure. Michael Gove This use of legal powers, personnel and resources departments to pursue a political agenda has nothing to do with school improvement and must cease immediately. Decisions on schools should be taken by people in the communities they serve. This program is simply undemocratic political dogma and has nothing to do with cities or communities. David Lammy
Labour MP, Tottenham
Christine Blower
General Secretary, National Union of Teachers
Mary Boustead
Secretary General of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers
Chris Keates
General Secretary, NASUWT
Dave Prentis
general secretary, Unison
Alasdair Smith
National Secretary, Anti Academies Alliance
Martin Gold
Secretary General, Socialist Education Association
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