วันอังคารที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Cribsheet 06.12.11

Why do children love to take off Kayleigh

names snobfest year comes to town with a study of what can be said about the children of what they call. Sitting quietly in the front runners this year are Chloe, Emily, Megan, Jack, James and Matthew, while Hayley, Gemma, Kayliegh, Chris Scott and Sean running with scissors.

The study comes from a company called School of stickers, which was followed is rewarded for being good. Two-thirds of the labels to go to the girls, he said.

Education News

The Guardian

. As the Archbishop of Canterbury warned that problems could occur again, a new report on truancy will make uncomfortable reading for the government. It is said that for some young people, truancy becomes a way of life, and punitive measures would make no difference. Fran Abrams wrote:

"This fall, David Cameron announced that he had asked his review of social policy, established after the riots of the summer, consider cutting the benefits of parents who can not not make their children go to school. However, seven out of 10 [the] study, said that these measures make no difference to them at all.

just over half of respondents said their parents were aware that they were males, and nearly half said that their friends encouraged them to lose one-fifth of lessons have been arrested by police as bulls, and 55% had been excluded from school at some point one quarter had missed school to care for the family .. much to cope with the chaotic family situation, and more with the feeling that school was not really fair to them. "

. Jeevan Vasagar (@ jeevanvasagar) examines the emergence of "flexi-school" - children who are educated part of the week at school and a home game. Why should parents do? They say that the advantage of flexibility, education is that children's interests may encourage more of a curriculum focused on literacy and numeracy. They say:

"Last week, we focus on France, homemade cakes, spoke a little French with a French friend who was visiting, looked at a few facts in France last week my partner did something to Japan. - Japanese words were, made a brush, then had sushi for lunch "

Cambridge historian Simon Szreter has become a leading figure among academics who protested against the policy of the coalition government in higher education. He tells Mary O'Hara as history shows that the cuts are unjustified. And the Institute of Education, Peter Scott says there is a growing anger in academic circles that universities are subject to this pressure level.

. The heads begin to feel they have no choice but to convert the status of the academy? Louise Tickle (@ louisetickle) refers to those farms, and those who chose to "update status".

. Pam Tatlow

, millions +, wrote on his blog a call for government to encourage innovation as a growth strategy


. The blog reveals new police tactics to calm late-night revelers -. We give students candy

Teacher Network

The Guardian

teaching ... the attack on Pearl Harbor. We look back at the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, U.S. naval base, with many resources to help students understand the reasons - and the consequences

career site on the Guardian

Wondering if an MBA may be just the ticket to increase their employment prospects? What should you consider before taking the plunge? Ask our experts live Q & A today.


News around the web

. New College, Oxford is trying to brand its name - in front of a recording contract similar to the newly created private university in New Humanities, reports the BBC. The 632 years, Oxford institution submitted its bid to protect its brand to the Office of Intellectual Property.

. In wonkhe.com (@ wonkhe) blog, Debbie McVitty wrote about that "students as customers," a concept that is bad for everyone.

"Even if students think of themselves as customers - shamelessly promoted by the government - there is no rule that says the rest of the industry have to endure this kind of attitude of the students come to college. the challenge to see beyond the narrow confines of their own context. We in higher education, and we can surely do better. Blow Your Mind. We have the technology. "

. Guidance on how private schools justify their charitable status should be rejected, in part, following a court ruling, reports The Huffington Post. The Charity Commission said it would withdraw from some of its guidelines, or face having canceled.

University Guide 2013

In preparing the next Guardian University Guide, we encourage universities and colleges to ensure that we are on track when it comes to subjects that correspond to cost centers and codes Jacs - the subject categories used by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Please enter your contact school via our dedicated website.

teacher training seminars

The Guardian Teacher Network organizes training sessions for teachers throughout the year in Yorkshire and London. Upcoming courses include:

Preparation for Ofsted inspection under the new

Are you ready for the new Ofsted framework, which will take effect in January 2012? Led by an experienced inspector, this seminar will explain the new framework in detail and provide step by step to help you plan the next visit of the inspectors. "

January 24 in Yorkshire. March 6 in London.

. For a list of complete Teacher Network visit Guardian

The Guardian


The Guardian is running a series of free workshops for children of primary and secondary school and adult students and students and higher education. Visitors center may be journalists and editors and create your own newspaper. History of workshops based on the archives are also available, and the types of science and the environment.

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