, politicians should help overcome the many obstacles they face
As the election campaign in full, blood -curdling scream , some Conservative MPs embarrassing photos appeared . Day Tomas University of Oxford Group, although some, like David Cameron , George Osborne and Nick Hurd, were members of the Bullingdon Club, a just society for boys - 1000 EUR resistant uniforms known for the 'noise' and criminal activity sometimes its members - and is also known to pay for the damage to healthy cash family Hotels. As soon as the photos were humiliating disappeared again , access to its use by the media denied by the company owner of the copyright .
was a very convenient arrangement of youthful . Compare that with luck the last week of the 17 - year-old Irish girl perform a sexual act on a child between fans at a concert at Slane Castle Eminem . A camera phone until it has been extended worldwide trend. Thousands of foreign direct abuse schoolgirl with hatred and profoundly sexist . Thousands of others were laughing at her , long after she had been sedated and hospitalized with the trauma of it all.
HowBullingdon chapters would have faced to make mistakes in a post- author digital age ?
How would with any of us ? If one of them had not filed and accused the current generation of teenagers who "grain" I raised the issue of these photos ( I have a picture of myself as a teenager with a knee session Mohican a policeman rather not share ) . But such an attack by Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society , asked for comparisons , as expressed by the PCS union general secretary , Mark Serwotka , who said : "I wonder how much" grit "necessary for an old Etonian follow his father in parliament. "
fact, Hurd is the fourth generation of his family to enter Parliament , and not choose which school he was sent , and defended himself by saying he was talking about schools that raise toughness. But he chose to use a sentence against a cohort frankly could wipe the floor with his spoiled generation .
But however, was another wave of guilt falls on a group with little political clout and reputation tarnished easily . Sue Finan, a retired teacher from Leeds who spends the weekend tough assessment of adolescents Award Duke of Edinburgh ( for which applications have exploded ) , said: "I was furious , but they are constantly put these guys down when the test results are good. they are too easy . Our generation are those who have had it easy. extends these children and have more grain than all of us. "
The latest figures show that the number of young people who neither study nor work ( Neets ) now amounts to EUR 1.09 million . As we announced today , 3.5 million children under 18 live in relative poverty . More than 75,000 live in temporary shelters and 800,000 in overcrowded . There are children in the British classes must have their breakfast at a charity not only to vanish at their desks. Only magical lunch feeds 6,000 children daily. Adolescents and young people are assigned to assemble and most have sand under the nails to make a damn good try . We have to hit - you have to look a little harder than we
As jobs in the public sector and reducing the retirement age increases, the youngest part of the labor market is the bed - blocked by parents and grandparents s' cling to their work.
the housing ladder was drawn sharply among young people. Large amounts of social housing were sold and housing prices climbing means of this generation " grit -less " is unlikely to own their own home until they are well into middle age.
But Hurd says business has said school leavers in the workplace and acting , well, like dropping out , not as people prepared for the workplace . Are they the same companies that were unable to go to school , they could not run work experience programs for students, and they simply could not find enough companies willing to the take ? Business leaders are always ready to go for drinks shoot at Downing Street , ministers moaning they can not get the staff, but how many of them also take the time to interact with the public schools , offering professional advice and guidance ?
Defense Hurd was , surprisingly , Teresa Pearce, Labour member of the Committee on work and pensions . She said : " .. I can not agree with the point that I think he's trying to do about schools that are more than test scores should be on preparing for the adult world of work and " Really? What part of the evolving program , based on evidence of our high schools is padded hanger to make room for it? Are we not concerned about the loss of their childhood too soon? At what age do you become a loan office pompadour - tuggers ?
The contradictions in what we want for our children is perhaps the most damaging of all the evils that this generation has had to endure . They are the generation of Guinea Pig in the rapid social transformation that takes digital and social media, are the main victims of almost all its negative effects - from cyber -bullying to the stress of a world still 24 hours while generating frets around , not knowing whether it is good or bad.
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