วันอังคารที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Thom Yorke: 'If I can't enjoy this now, when do I start?'
Thom Yorke took a break for a new Radiohead album made with a group of famous friends. In a lazy mood, optimistic, talking about music and the Internet, Michael Stipe ... dance and surf
Thom Yorke does not necessarily associate with pleasure. Leader and main songwriter Radiohead tend to have different types of adjectives attached to it in his two decades in the pages of the music, "intense", "tortured" and "anxious" or "passionate", "essential" and "important." Although the music of Radiohead has always been a burden catharsis complex, simple pleasure, for better or for worse, has never regained. You may have sold 30m albums, and sometimes widely recognized as the leader of the "greatest rock band in the world", but in general, how Yorke gave the appearance of a man who has a better chance entry deprivation average happy hour.
However, sitting in a crowded cafe Shoreditch High Street, East London, the consumption of tea in the morning, has, in recent times, I said impatiently, trying in state fun for size. It might be more into it. Yorke is a little strong presence when you walk in there is a glimmer of recognition of faces around us. Do you like it that way. He is wary of the request life for all shades of irony. "I have 44 now," he said, laughing. "And it made me think, if I can not enjoy the moment when I start?"
Some of this has to do with greater freedom. For a long time, he said, after the initial success, the enormous amount of Radiohead, which had begun with their peers at school Abingdon 15 years, "really felt trapped in the question. I think we all did. Especially after we started having children and other things. "Yorke Two children 10 and six years. Raquel lived with his mother since they met at Oxford to study Fine Arts at the University of Exeter. These facts are obviously very important to him. 'You know, making an album The tour is a big commitment, especially the way he does, a lot of work. And when we were young children, we were all like Christ! Do you really want to do the rest of our lives? But many people still seem to want us there were consequences of major channels for those we love. "
Girlfriend Yorke through these issues was their 2006 album The Eraser
, nervousness, unhappiness collecting experimental electronic dancefloor that emerged from his laptop, and he formed with producer Nigel Godrich. He promoted at the time with a blog typically defensive Radiohead fans: "I do not want crap about me being a traitor or separation until blah blah, which was done with his blessing," wrote it. "And I do not wanna hear this word."
The album contains Harrowdown Hill, examination of conscience the death of Dr David Kelly, as his first movement, said at the time, was the concern about climate change. But it was somehow at least a gesture toward liberation. In it was a song called Atoms for Peace, once the motto of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The first lines sounded like a personal manifesto for a new type of light (which was, he said later, something like a warning to Rachel): "It goes to the dark side More saucer eyes fall. Hole worm as I do ... "
album Once the loop that began and ended on the head of your computer, Yorke was intrigued to see if it could play live. In 2009, he gathered a group of friends - do not pronounce the word "supergroup" - he thought perhaps the challenge: Flea, bassist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joey Waronker, drummer and Beck REM, Mauro Refosco, a Brazilian percussionist playing with David Byrne and Nigel Godrich, to help pull it all together. Developing a way to make some Bloops digital rhythms, who spent a lot of time at the hardware store, "the purchase of rivets and stuff." "The first time we met was at this place in Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles," he recalls. "We did a song called The Clock and looked like a bomb he was, was simply amazing.
The Eraser record is really listening if 'Go Bang mean in one of the rooms was really something for me. "
The group, originally introduced as a suspect? "?????", Later known as Atoms for Peace, gave a brief U.S. tour playing
The Eraser all. At the end of it, and to have had "a total blast", are locked in a studio for three days and began to improvise a bit. "I had these ideas very small," said Yorke, "mostly just late. And the best player of them for about three days. "The epic 10 hours or more of music created usable Yorke edited down on a new album, adding new letters and working closely with Godrich. C ' is called
and is alternately dense, trippy, dance and sometimes they whisper and optimistic. You see, I wonder, as from a other species, less angry place psychological archetype for Radiohead
do with reservations. "Well," he said, "when I wrote that" It goes to the side "black line, which was a bit cheeky. And the irony is that Radiohead just made this huge world tour last year and the most had the best time I've ever had. And a lot of dance music is very angry in the right direction. But yes, the idea was that once in my life just to enjoy the energy of it and do not want to shoot. Nigel was always next to me, "Do not darkness! "
You think this is a permanent change?
"No, it depends on where I am, I think. Perhaps literally. Have worked at home for the winter and all I do is dark shit. But we a lot of it away from Los Angeles and was sunny. had something to do in the afternoon and evening before leaving. There is no way that you really miss the old ethic of hard work. We close a couple of times. " From Radiohead successful worldwide first single, Creep, a song Yorke sometimes refuses to play today, but that has defined some insane idea contrary to the group itself - " I wish I was special "and" I'm not here "and" I'm a creep, I'm a monster "- he seemed tired of the clich? that implies. In the profiles, we talked a lot about childhood difficulties Yorke, that he was born with only one eye closed and ajar by a series of failed operations. That because of his father's work as a seller of chemicals frequently moved schools, was arrested because of his eyes, and withdrew. That the payment of fees in Abingdon, found refuge in the music room. One way to see his career was as a sort of traveling outside the limits of this analysis. The apparent lack of introspection
Amok must come as a relief, I say.
He smiled less litter. "For starters, writing songs is my way of dealing with shit Initially it was:." Come into my head and look at me, "he said." But this stuff does not seem appropriate today. tortured often seems the only way to do things from scratch, but that in itself becomes exhaustion. When we were
Kid A
[their fourth album, released in 2000] I did not feel that I was writing about myself at all. was to cut the lines and take them out of a hat. It was very emotional but it was nothing to do with me . "
In this sense, he suggests, he hoped that the music became much closer to what he feels that all experience on a daily basis: a torrent of words and images coming at you from different sources that you try to do something emotional. meaning The important thing, he thought, would be open to white noise as well. He learned directly used Michael Stipe of REM, who started as a hero and has long been a friend. "Michael is always my favorite lyricist," he said. "I liked the way it should be an emotion, then go back to him and, in doing so, it is much more powerful."
More like channeling the excitement of trying to articulate the inside?
"Something like that. Always remember one night in particular nature, when we toured with REM in 1995, and want to see the side of the stage," he said. "I'll be there and watch it every night, but I was so drunk he could not stand this extraordinary thing tonight, and left him. - I mean it was really there to time, crazy, who freely admit it now - but it was really something to see something deeper that someone communicate entertainment was very exciting to see " ..
Somethingnot far from speaking in tongues or obsolete notions of prophecy?
"I learned all art school and I was really into it, but to find someone in the world of music has been so focused on this kind of People formative experience was something very important to me. could always say, "What about?" But this is the kind of questions that lyric writing. To me anyway. "
- Stipe, say, seemed ready to take him under his wing Yorke, a sort of disciple of all kinds.
- Yorke laughs at the thought. "I'm going to text him later and tell him what I said. 'D love. I think it was just when he saw that I needed a lot of help, I struggled with everything. It is always my favorite uncle, my godfather or something then. The last time I saw him was as a DJ in New York and came to the use of the white suit and just danced my ass all night, and as we have said three words each other, had a hug and he left. But what was great just to know he was there. "
OK Computer
, the group seemed evangelists revolutionary possibilities of a world digital self-release, 2007 In Rainbows
Find best price for : --Blair----Google----Apple----David----Harrowdown----Nigel----High----Shoreditch----Thom----Yorke--
วันศุกร์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Cameron's flogging weapons in India – but Mantel's been nasty about Kate
The journey in the subcontinent was supposed to be a distraction from problems at home - but will not disappear. It's just not cricket
David Jones Some of my best friends are homosexualists and they are also very funny, as long as you are not too close them without gloves, but I notice that when all is said and done, it is quite clear that homosexual couples can not provide a warm and safe place to raise their children ...
this man was born an idiot or was raised to become a
Jones: think my perspective would have been taken out of context. What I meant is that homosexualists can not procreate, so they should not be allowed to marry.
Cameron Ah, there you are Davy boyo. It took some time to locate it. I could not find anywhere in Wales map. Just a little heads-up to let you know that was renovated in silence, in the dark, at some point during the summer.
Craig Oliver: is time for you to prepare your trip to India ...
Cameron But I'm only half my pedicure. This work is taking the road of my "me time". What am I doing in India anyway? The appointment of a new viceroy? Play polo with some friends from the old school?
Oliver: Not this time, sir. Although I'm sure you can fit in a cricket match.
- Although I have not touched. I hate Fielding. But seriously, why should I? More as a distraction from everything that goes wrong in the house ...
- Oliver:
- We just like to stir up a few more holes 12 and elephant guns ...
Find best price for : --Kate----Mantel----Hilary----India----Davy--
วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Telling pregnant women to drink no alcohol is counterproductive
No strong evidence low levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is dangerous, and it may stigmatize the responsible drinkers
Women should be advised to drink alcohol during pregnancy may cause permanent damage to the brain of your baby and other birth defects, according to a report released Tuesday by the troubles caused by Fetal Alcohol confidence and nearly 70 health professionals.
The report is likely to revive the debate about how much, if any, alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy. Current UK guidance advises women to stop drinking, but if they choose to drink should limit their intake of one to two units of alcohol once or twice a week.
Some, including the author of the report, the psychiatrist Raja Mukherjee, the message that this is simply confusing and women should be told not to drink alcohol. I disagree, because I think it would be contrary to scientific evidence and risk alienating women who believe rightly charge a small occasional glass during pregnancy is unlikely to cause damage.
There is no doubt that excessive consumption and even moderately during pregnancy is dangerous. According to a recent report by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, drinking more than six units a day (or two glasses of wine), put babies at risk for FASD. About 8,000 new cases of FASD are diagnosed each year. Only two units per day (one glass of wine) in late pregnancy significantly increases the risk of the baby having a low birth weight, which increases the risk of behavioral problems or other development in the adulthood.
However, below this level, there is a large gray area where you do not know or simply no alcohol is safe. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get a definitive answer, because the study needs to be done - Groups of random allocation of pregnant women consume different amounts of alcohol and then look to see what is happening with their children as they grow - would be unethical. It is also likely that the individual risk varies genetic constitution of an individual.
But Danish researchers recently made the next best thing: he asked the women, during pregnancy, the amount of alcohol they drank, and then followed the progress of their children as they grow. The research, published last year found that one to eight units per week had no apparent effect on the duration of the IQ child care, or brain functions such as planning, organization and self-control - at least when the children were assessed at the age of five years.
Similarly, a review of 46 scientific studies on the effects of low to moderate drinking (up to 10.4 units per week) did not find an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, low birth weight or birth defects at birth, including Spectrum Disorder Alcohol - a general term for several birth defects caused by exposure to alcohol in utero. But because none of these studies was perfect, the researchers could not say with certainty that the light of moderate consumption is safe. doctors Mukherjee as saying that no amount of alcohol would be happy to tell pregnant women is safe to consume are quite justified in his sight. We do not know if any amount of alcohol is safe. The problem is that many women are aware that their mothers drank small amounts during pregnancy and were fine. These women may be sponsored by rules that say anything to drink, and so away from medical care altogether.
- The report calls for confidence FASD using standardized questionnaires to identify pregnant women who may be drunk, and that this information be recorded in their medical records, as well as her baby. The hope is that this will eventually allow children with FASD early diagnosis so that appropriate support can be provided, so that at least some of them to lead a relatively normal life.
- But
- recommend that pregnant women drink alcohol without risk of stigmatization responsible drinkers since few, if any, to admit how much they are drinking - something that is essential to achieve the trust of FASD identify children at risk. Be honest about the state of the evidence is an alternative approach that allows women to decide for themselves the level of risk you want to take. Since the vast majority of the care of his passion unborn child and you want to protect your best, it is likely that most act responsibly and to limit their consumption to a minimum.
The real problems are drinkers, light, but women with alcohol dependence, the fact that our society as a whole is to drink more, and many do not know that 'is a unit of alcohol. So let's by all means recording the amount of alcohol drunk pregnant and have a frank discussion with them about risk reduction, but please do not stigmatize or not get an honest answer. In addition to identifying children with FASD before, could even help scientists closer to a definitive answer as to whether an amount of alcohol during pregnancy is really sure.
Find best price for : --Mukherjee----FASD----Raja--
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
George 'Shadow' Morton obituary
music producer and songwriter behind the leader Shangri-Las' 1960 hit of the girl group the Pack
"Are you really going out with him?" Is spoken introduction to the Leader of the Pack by the Shangri-Las, one of the most evocative of the "girl group" music genre 1960s pop. producer and co-author of this album and other hits Shangri-Las was George "Shadow" Morton, who died at age 72 of cancer. Among other productions children controversial shot Janis Ian Morton and Company records great rock bands Vanilla Fudge and Iron Butterfly, and punk pioneers the New York Dolls.
Leader of the Pack, published in the United States in 1964, was the most notable successes of the "Shangri-Las, a love story of a young girl in the middle class, as the leader of a biker gang that ends in a fatal accident. Morton said the sound of a motorcycle for voice recording and singer Mary Weiss regret become No. 1 hit in the United States. The success of a parody, a leading laundry detergents in 1965 sealed the status of the classic song.
In Britain, recent riots Mods and Rockers shy caused stations to ban the track. Despite - or because of - this, Leader of the Pack was a success in the United Kingdom in 1965, and again in 1972 and 1976. Leader of the pack has also been used in a number of films, including Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas, where Morton vainly demanded payment.
Morton was born in Richmond, Virginia, but grew up in Brooklyn. As a teenager her parents decided to move to the outskirts of healthy Hicksville, Long Island. His first love was jazz (a phrase from a song Modern Jazz Quartet echo in his first hit Shangri-Las), but in high school, he joined a vocal group of doo-wop. After leaving education was on the fringes of the music industry, recording a few singles with Markys dark.
In 1964, it was discovered that the knowledge of Long Island, Ellie Greenwich, had become a successful composer. Greenwich visit in his office in the Brill Building on Broadway, Morton asked what he had done to her husband and writing partner, Jeff Barry. Bravely answered untruthfully he wrote songs. Barry, who was giving him the nickname "Shadow" because of his habit of quietly disappearing from the social environment, the challenge of returning with some examples and Morton hastily assembled a recording session with the Shangri-Las . The result was a seven-minute theme entitled Remember (Walking in the Sand), with sound effects and seagull cries long passages recitatives. After Barry and Greenwich Morton helped to edit and re-record the song, which was broadcast on the Red Bird label and became a top 20 hit.
Reading this on your mobile? Click here to see the video
- Early, Morton acquired and cultivated a reputation for eccentricity and unpredictability. As a teenager, the pianist and singer Billy Joel plays the recording of the first demo Remember (Walking in the Sand) and Morton pointed out that "in a very theatrical production, but used a layer in the studio and it was very intimidating for a young man like me. "Weiss has described as" colorful, unique and talented, but very difficult to get a room at a scheduled time. "
soon produced the first album by the New York Rock & Roll Ensemble, who played rock music with classical instruments and included future film composer Michael Kamen. Morton went to work with a rock band called Doves New York specializing in long and heavy versions of recent successes. After his name was changed to Vanilla Fudge, Shadow Morton succeeded You Keep Me Hanging On, a barely recognizable variation in the recording of a Supremes, "which was a top 10 hit in the U.S. in 1968.
Find best price for : --George----Soon----Much----Hoople----Mott----British----Michael----Bird----Ellie----Long----Morton----York----Vanilla----rock----Leader--
วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Eastleigh byelection: Tory candidate suggests son too smart for state school
Twitter storm Hail Mary Hutchings as schools unfit surgeon sucks son, despite Ofsted praise for local education
Maria Hutchings, the Conservative candidate in the byelection Eastleigh has been widely criticized for seeming to think that his son was too smart to go to public school.
Hutchings hopes to replace the Liberal Democrat Chris Huhne, who resigned his seat after pleading guilty to perverting the course of justice earlier this month.
- latest Ofsted reports Eastleigh several schools, including Thornden Toynbee Wildern and schools were rated "outstanding."
"My children and I went there he served as Chairman of the Governors of eight Mary Hutchings wants to" do things "-., But in fact the opposite is true," he told the Daily Mirror. "All that is shown is that it is so out of touch with the rest of the Conservative Party, whether in education tax cuts for millionaires or tuition fees have tripled. "
Find best price for : --Eastleigh----Hutchings----Daily--
Play Rugby USA seeks world in union... by taking schools project to Britain
A successful attempt to use the rugby ever in downtown Los Angeles and New York has taken a bold crossing of the Atlantic
Taking coals to Newcastle
- tongue Prov:
do something supposedly useless
; orig Newcastle - an English village that coal was sent to other parts of England
One could say that this is an unlikely story - many Americans introduced rugby in British schools. But then, probably has not met its author.
Mark Griffin founded
Play Rugby USA, a nonprofit that uses innovative rugby as an educational tool to help disadvantaged children in New York, Los Angeles and beyond in 2005. Such was the success that Griffin has established a subsidiary in the United Kingdom, R4UK to continue his search for "a better world through rugby" working with children in downtown London. When asked how he could take such a step, Griffin raises an eyebrow.
"I thought maybe something like ours exist in London," he said, "but this was not the case. But all the risk factors for children there are exactly the same as they are here. 'S Exactly the same program. "
took a chance meeting in the Churchill Cup 2010 with Terry Burwell, a former director of rugby competitions who had discovered a hole in its home market, the United States to play rugby. unlikely to proceed to export all its educational mission in the United Kingdom. After all, according to tradition, if it is not an incontestable historical fact, rugby was
that America is far less open to the British tradition of other parts of the world that were once the shade of pink, Play Rugby USA, obvious to say, is the product of a world conditions away from the playgrounds of the school rugby care. But rugby is growing in the United States and Griffin include a survey conducted by the Association Sportive goods manufacturers to support its assertion that "rugby is the fastest sport in the team of U.S. growth." His success is behind much of this growth.
Play Rugby USA takes rugby, especially in the seven-a-side of the form and use of the label rather than plated, schools in areas like Queens and the Bronx, New York and Los Angeles in Bell Gardens. Coaches, mentors and youth development certified teachers then use the play on the field and in the classroom to teach the virtues of teamwork, cooperation, dedication and perspiration. Activities take place during school hours, then keep street children and provide valuable opportunities for supervised exercise.
Despite some impressive achievements - including staging annual New York Rugby and sending scholarships to student winners in New Zealand to experience the culture of the world's strongest rugby - Griffin U.S. still see rugby as a work in progress. His account of their growth, however, shows why he felt confident enough to export."We started in 2005, but has not started to implement process until 2006," he added, "and we went from 10 to 267 schools to date.
A better world through rugby is our vision, and we always talk about "rugby forever." It is not just rugby. Basically, it is used rugby to help children thereby improve, help them succeed, from education, it is to enable them to develop and take charge of their own destiny. rugby is good in this area, not only when they play, but in the bathroom and class
I think we try to pass the values ??inherent in the game - honesty .. integrity and camaraderie
- Griffin
- words - expressed with his usual - a reference to the source of their enthusiasm for the sport .
- "Everything is taken for granted in the UK," he says, "is delivered on a tray to play rugby. All these values ??are there, but not explicitly consider. By here is part of the brand of rugby, how is identified and how it is different from other sports. believe it is mostly also respect and solidarity. "
Find best price for : --Mark----Melville----American----League----Super----Gardens----Bell----York----Queens----school----Play----Griffin----rugby--
On the teaching of history, Michael Gove is right | Niall Ferguson
critics feel compelled to defend a status quo that so many teachers, parents and students agree is indefensible?
new national programMichael Gove is out, and now the big guns destroy amendments Oxbridge how children are taught English history.
CambridgeFrom none other than Richard Evans, Regius Professor of History, Gove has condemned the attempt to restore the "learning by heart patriots jersey loads much loved by traditionalists." Says Evans The new curriculum was "a little English version of our national past, linked to the isolationist view of our national future." It was "a foolish regression patriotic myths of the Edwardian era."
Oxford came the echo. David Priestland said it was a "narrow island ... depressing ... decidedly politicized and philistine" document. "We ... firmly on the floor of the bestselling Edwardian Our Island Story. "
The focus of these attacks is inversely proportional to their accuracy. In fact, if you want a perfect example of how depressing narrow, insular and politicized resolved Oxbridge historians can read both. One may wonder when, if ever, these learned professors last set foot in a classroom at school, or last had a conversation with a teacher or student of history current key stages 2 and 3 .
amateur Evans refers to "the scope and ambition of existing coverage, the historical-critical method and debate," suggests an ignorance almost voluntary - or indifferent to -. The sad state of historical knowledge among young Britons
If you want to understand what is wrong with the story in English schools, read the excellent essay Professor Matthew Hunter in the latest edition of Viewpoint. As Hunter said, not only the content is defective former national problem. This is the story of how it has been taught in schools since the inception of the project in British history in schools in the 1970s and the rejection of historical knowledge in favor of "analysis sources "and" child-centered "learning (" Imagine you are a Roman centurion ... ").
- Only a person living in a dream round Oxonian do not realize how much he has become, despite the efforts of thousands of teachers who work hard. I know because I saw three of my children go through the English system, because I regularly visit the school and talk with teachers of history, and because (unlike Evans and Priestland, the authors of works on a little dry, respectively, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia) that I wrote and popular history.
- The new national program is not perfect, of course. This goes against the advice given Gove to be too prescriptive. The 34 subjects that will be covered by pupils aged seven to 14 years and had read a bit like the chapter titles and if there's one thing I hope we can avoid is an official history textbooks (even if is written by Simon Schama).
Among other things, the national program specifically designed to ensure that all students the knowledge and understanding of the broad outlines of the history of Europe and the world: the growth and decline ancient civilizations, the expansion and dissolution of empires "that" and understand historical concepts, continuity and change, cause and consequence of the similarity, difference and importance. "and" understand how evidence is used to strictly historical statements "
in Key Stage 1, children will be introduced to the "core" as the nation, civilization, monarchy, parliament, democracy, war and peace. In Key Stage 2, they will explore the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. Regarding "the essential chronology of the history of Britain," which Evans and Priestland oppose so strongly, it is a model of political correctness: Mary Seacole not only makes the cut, but Olaudah Equiano - just escaped our island history.
Find best price for : --Gove----Oxford----Richard----Cambridge--
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
10 creative ways to teach English that deliver outstanding results
as an English teacher in a special primary
Anna Warren often ask inspiration. Here, he shares his favorite methods to create English lessons
As a school with a fantastic creative performance trajectory English, we often ask what our specific approach is: how can we teach through the arts still manage to maintain such high expectations for all students? I would like to share some of these approaches with you:
immersion activitiesHow can children access to stories, poems and other texts if their minds and imaginations fully engaged? We found that immersing children in a series of creative activities before reading the text means that you are quite ready and excited about the trip before reading. Through painting, musical composition, a movie project, her role in the drama or sculpture, children had the opportunity to share a vocabulary, ideas and concepts that give meaning and effect playback.
clear objective
What is the meaning of reading and writing something if you do not know what you do? Our goal is to provide children with a clear goal for all reading and writing assignments in particular. If this is an invitation from the director to attend a class reunion, e-mail to an author or an article for a school newspaper, our children know why the quality of their writing questions: because there will be a hearing the
Professional Publishing
An effective way to evaluate the work of children and provide a real incentive is to plan a series of ways to publish his writings. Recent examples include a set paris school project. After a set of binding insertion techniques school, each class divided published his own book, one example being an anthology of short horror stories made by Year 6. Their stories have been mounted on paper made by hand, with works by each child (linen embossed metal style paper cut) with a cover crop dramatic role. Children their hard work was immense, and the results are surprising. The anthology was appreciated by parents and students and other children pride in their work is in sight.
significant planning
possible, learning English is related to creative programs following topics: the primary curriculum International (CPI). Long before, teachers collaborate and share ideas for planning a process of mind mapping. Constructive and creative activities are planned to ensure that all staff knows exactly what children can learn and why.
focused on strategies
teaching reading is not easy. As the reading proficiency of children increases, it is difficult to know what reading skills should be taught and when. We ensure that specific strategies explicitly modeled reading class, give children a comprehensive skills bank leverage. This could include exploring a text, draw an inference, prediction or creating a mental image. Our teachers use "think aloud statements children model how these skills are used, and how they can help them become better readers. Strategies are shared as a class, and then evaluated to monitor the activities of guided reading.
- Inspirational
- learning environment
Take a trip to the school and you will find classrooms that inspire adults and children. Not only is child labor creatively displayed, but there are some guidelines to inspire and support the learning of all students. We encourage our children to discover new texts, genres and authors, so that our reading rooms are attractive, very organized and funded. Students can choose from an exciting range of reading material:. Newspapers, classical texts, reference books and stories for children own published are only a few examples of what we can offer over books
attract and inspire
Find best price for : --English----Guardian--
วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Homs' displaced residents begin to return
Syrian city is recorded on a relatively quiet as Governor calls for unity against Al Qaeda and the intense fighting continues elsewhere
A year after the city has captured the world's attention as the victim of the worst attack in the Syrian civil war had yet seen, Homs again - shelter - relatively. Hundreds of families have fled to other Syrian cities last February in fear of their goods are loaded and returned. Civil Aleppo and Deir el-Zour - where fighting is still intense - move to Homs, because they have heard that it is more livable
"is the case I've seen in Syria, where people are back after a long shift. Homs Damascus may be quieter" Erksoussi Khaled, head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent team intervention emergency in the capital told me before leaving in the car 100 miles to the north. He was right. The boom of heavy bombardment, quickly followed by the singing of birds in a panic, repeatedly fills the sky Damascus. He was in full throat and kill again when I returned. However, for 24 hours in Homs just heard explosions, apparently directed to targets beyond the ring road. In the city center, street markets are filled with consumers. Groups of students within and outside the university, or standing chatting. Checkpoints in several intersections create less congestion, but the soldiers seem relaxed and superficial, such as identity cards and car boots verification undoubtedly happy to be assigned menial tasks instead of being sent in areas of risk and remotely. Homs has an even number of armed women in uniform who have volunteered for creating new guard house.
Homs is the third largest city of Syria and local officials estimate about 150,000 of its 2.3 million people have left and not returned. In human terms, the figure is huge, but it is an exodus proportionately lower in Damascus or Aleppo suffered.
strategic position in the city center of the city belt Syria means that the government could not let you down and cut the country in two. Minority Alawites, Assad ruling family that has long been regarded as its capital. Thus the army when the first rebel against fierce attack last year Baba Amr district captured and were about to take control of several parts of the city.
Now, the Syrian army is to regain control of a large part of the guardians of the city and took me in without armed escort, but there were four of them, including a man which is presented as a local journalist and a note of all my conversations.
Most shops along the street Musab bin Zubair, one of the main streets were closed and the facades of the upper floors are riddled with bullets and mortar, but life is slowly returning . Children cycling in the streets largely empty and some old red and white checkered headdress sitting on chairs outside their doors.
"When people see us living here, they get courage and start back," said Sahar Rahmoun, a woman who was returning home with his young daughter in front of a ruined mosque. He had escaped from the house of her sister in another part of Homs, at the height of the bombing last year, he said.
- Qassem al-Khatib and his two children carrying bags and suitcases in the back of a pickup. It was Baba Amr six months after escaping from a village north of Homs "because armed groups came here," he said.'s Family moved from the apartment of the first who had been busy Baba Amr it would be better to wait a few streets away. "They say that there is no electricity and water there," said al-Khatib. "We were invited here and we will be invited," he said with a smile. It sounded better to admit that they were squatters. In a corner store Fadi al-Jouri said the three-storey building had miraculously survived, although the area had been criticized the army and rebel positions at opposite ends of the Street . Bullet holes and mortar damage scored at least half of the houses. When he was released from his military service, but his family hid in their homes for days.
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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Far from the Tree: A Dozen Kinds of Love by Andrew Solomon – review
A test study of how disability, crime or illness limits of parental love is moving powerfully
one a few weeks ago, I wrote an article on Google I found the way that the question "what is love?" Was almost always in the top 10 queries, minute by minute , until the search engine. In the future, Google would do well to remember the old Askers question in the sense of the extraordinary book by Andrew Solomon. In my experience, the days not so lu
far from the tree
and live with it, their stories are domiciled in the head and the heart, disorderly and refusing to unpack out. Once there, as one or a dozen working answers to the most urgent research shows hard to argue.
pages 976 to Solomon began 10 years ago as a type of research, and like all the missions of the writer was to start an effort on their part to understand as much as the world. The book seems to be a sort of sequel to positive volume the author of the previous history
Noonday Demon The, published in 2001, which explored the poetic rigor weaknesses depression In particular, his own, which had fallen after the death of his mother, a planned act of suicide after a diagnosis of terminal cancer.
Solomon, a magazine journalist based in New York, begins again inside his head, with the impulses that made him become a writer - a sense of difference and disorders caused by dyslexia severe as a child, and by understanding that he was gay in adolescence dispositions which were partially offset by the tireless efforts of his parents to live as comfortably since childhood in a world of words, and by their own efforts trouble with their parents and others understand their sexuality. Solipsism is quickly imprison at will into something completely different, however, when Solomon embarks on the search for those who make their own anxieties and psychological problems, difficulties and frustration acceptance subsidiary, seems not only manageable, but trivial.
- Each group is given a chapter itself. And each chapter - as a series of separate books - is a dozen stories about how children in particular, challenged their parents and the author with what we know about life and love. If this makes the book disgusting or operator, or a large scale memory misery, does not feel like that at all. Solomon is never explicit teaching speaking with families, and ignoring its name comes constantly before the courts. Instead, the details often painful, sometimes triumphant, sometimes unbearable, always deeply human stories with care and empathy, and sometimes lights with political and historical contexts urgent saying there. Solomon asked, compulsively, over 300 families in the book, and eventually, he says, with 40,000 pages of notes. It is amusing to read some of the distance that looks like distillation, concentrated piece of intelligence, but it is, however, its effect.
- If Solomon thesis, which is in front of the book. "No," he said, "there is nothing like playing." As much as we'd like to believe otherwise, the undisputed chapters argue that our children are the most important to us always different than they are similar. Not normal in these pages, let alone beyond. "All children are surprised their parents," said Solomon. He motioned to count the ways, and compels us to do the same.
far from the tree
not a self-help manual, although it is difficult to read and count your blessings. Throughout the crowd of families, parents have strategy beyond tenacious patience and great hope, is more viable than others. The real tragedies seem to fall on the people who see no way to prove it. The oldest mother whose daughter is a cheerleader who gives his youngest daughter, a dwarf, "because [she] was not going to be a cheerleader in Westchester could not love ". Otherwise, "all parents are torn and error" Solomon writes at one point. "Being hurt by those you love is horrible, but it's not bad if you know they mean to help you." Whether gifted or slow to learn, helplessness or disorders ", which grows children can turn, do not push against them can also be productive. " As the father of Leonard Bernstein, when asked why he was opposed to the career of his gifted son, replied: "How did I know it would be Leonard Bernstein?"
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Getting the kids off to school on time
wake the girls to lunch, telling them what to eat for breakfast - all part of the daily struggle
5:00 Wake need to pee. Concern with prostate cancer.
6:00 Cat enters the room. Sign scratch table leg with claws. Cat woman screams. Cat leaves.
7.30 Turn on the light to see the time. Woman screams. Turn on the light. Note the clock get luminous sphere.
7.45 Arise. Go to the room of girls. Pull up to awaken the blind girls.
7:50 Women goes to the girls' room. Saca blind again.
7:55 go to the girls' room and the light switch. Make noise. Their Prod. Woman accuses me of child abuse. Turn the lights off.
School doors close in 40 minutes. Children finally moved. I wonder what they want for breakfast. Louise, six, do not tell me. I say that in this case, I'll do what I want and she will eat. I ask you to start dressing.
Make lunch for Louise and Eva, 10. Peanut butter sandwiches are not allowed in case of Louise waves in the direction of a person allergic to nuts and give them a heart attack. The filling of peanut butter does eat. Salami established. Remember that only eat salami sandwich when it is not. Remove salami. Make Jelly Sandwich healthier for it instead. Ham one for Eve. Cut the crusts. Add rice cakes (no chips allowed) and fruit (do not eat) and boiled eggs (not eating).
breakfast ready. Back to top of the page. The girls both still in his pants. Threaten to scream if you do not hurry.
cry. As observation, however, that I hate.
still partially dressed, sitting at breakfast. Louise refuses what I have prepared. I ask him what he wants. She will not tell me.
Eve ate his breakfast. Louise has been looking for a while. She says I have no right to tell him what to do.
Still looking.
Still looking.
- to feed him, complaining that I should not have to feed a child for six years.
Louise was not ready yet. I began to dress, complaining that I should not have to bear a child of six years.
วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Gove determined to reform GCSEs from 2015 after baccalaureate retreat
Secretary of Education to move forward with major changes "discredited" examinations and national renewal announcement
Schools Minister Michael Gove and David Laws should go ahead with major reforms GCSE in 2015, although the Secretary of Education was forced to retire in the renaming of examinations and introduction of a single test card.
Gove has decided to withdraw from ditches GCSEs and the creation of a French Baccalaureate (EBC) after being warned examination tables would go bankrupt, and then continue the Ministry of Education for violation of public procurement rules in the EU. This could delay the reorganization of the examination system until 2018.
As announced his re Gove has been accused of being forced into a humiliating U-turn, and the Secretary of Education irrepressible normally admitted trying to cross a "bridge too far".
But his entourage denied Thursday that the political wings had been clipped by Gove Downing Street, and now he was tender in his education reforms, often controversial.
laws also denied a U-turn is a victory for his party, the Liberal Democrats, saying: "It is much better that there should be red faces among the ministers of the Ministry of Education for 24 hours you will not take risks with the demands made by millions of young people for many years to come. "
Gove said: ".. When arguments overwhelm me and acknowledge that I am mistaken, I think it is better to leave this life only advance when you know when to cut their losses "
But he goes ahead with major changes regarding GCSE so discredited, even if they are going to rename the English baccalaureate certificates. He also announced a renewal of the expected national curriculum for primary and secondary schools. Another rewriting academic league table also announced to end a culture of low expectations.
AlliesGove denied that he had been forced into a U-turn by the leader of the Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg, saying he had worked closely in the reform legislation. It is understood that Clegg had argued that the pace of reform was too fast and can cause a similar reaction to health reform misunderstood in 2011.
- addition, there will be more "levels" of GCSE therefore easier "paper", where the maximum degree possible is a C will be rejected. Gove also promised that the English and History test "writing time." "The internal evaluation and use of test aids should be minimized and used only when there are compelling arguments for do. "
- Statutes
- stressed the continuous determination of the coalition to inject what he sees as a more rigorous GCSE. "There is a strong consensus for change, but people thought that the changes were too big and risky. And we heard that there are ways to achieve our initial goals, but in a less risky adapting existing GCSE. " Gove was forced to abandon his original reform bill last September for the joint return levels, amid objections Lib Dem reintroducing the two-tier education.
However, government sources Gove Christmas had already decided to cut their losses after becoming aware of their proposals for a single examination board is to fight and there was confusion about the proposal EBC. Ofqual Gove wrote to ask if their revised timetable for change with the first GCSE examinations in 2017 is achievable. It also provides long-term plans for existing rankings, saying "have focused almost exclusively on the number of children achieving five GCSE C including English and mathematics."
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What Michael Gove's statement means for the arts
To be among the issues on which we measure the performance of schools, the arts are less likely to be marginalized
The bad news for those who believe that creative subjects should be at the center of the school curriculum is that arts subjects are not, as many had hoped with passion, were included in the Ebacc. But there is a real shift in the arts -. And some good news
- This is important because it means that schools are less likely to marginalize the arts in the previous thought, there was little interest in the schools GCSE covering creative themes and emphasis was understandable in the "core" Ebacc. But now, schools have every reason to offer GCSE arts. Because they offer an alternative to Ebacc very academic subjects, to be a channel through which children with artistic talent can help increase their investments schools league table.
Aa> Arts and Humanities Aa> Schools
Find best price for : --Ebacc--
I really didn't like my son
Bale Helen often could not stand his 10-year-old son, George, but did not know why. She candidly describes how he felt - and how she saved her relationship
"Get in the house!" I mean, in a growl, I hope the neighbors can not hear.
"No," said Jorge.
"Listen, kid" - frayed tempers - "I know I promised a trip to the ice cream place, but the aunt is dead there are two days and we're too boring, too busy. Let go again. "
In the game of emotional manipulation, I played my trump. Now, George plays his. "I give a shit that the aunt is dead"
I look at my oldest daughter, who responds to the challenge of apoplexy blank look and the idea hit me like a pot on the head: you do not like .
How did it get there?
George is 10 years old and reminds me of Two-Face in Batman. It has a capacity for tenderness, is somehow sweet and generous heart. However, his innate goodness - the soft side, beautiful - these days is often hidden under a flint outside arrogant. His teacher loved his intelligence and ingenuity, but admits that his assistant is arrogant and rude.
agree. I feel a desperate speculation wrong, even though I know that if you ask, he will be angry and say that the assistant always unfairly accused when the fault lies with the girls. And right now, I like the wizard, not understand it, by his ignorance machismo (when I was a reluctant reader, consolidated the problem by forcing through Eve, the ball Enchanted Fairy). But mostly I hate it because his attitude towards my dear son is unpleasant to think about mine.
Very often latent rage boils George and the smallest imperfection cause a rash - Last night, a satsuma too squashy. It is very competitive and often cruel indifference to his younger brother - pushed down the stairs, so that the poor girl shivers every time he passes his executioner. Reached the extremes of emotion in a few seconds, screaming, throwing books or balls of the room. It is frightening because it is easily as strong as me.
recently called his father to a son of a bitch who forbids him to watch South Park. If I talked to my parents like that, I said to George, was beaten by the chamber. "And they were right?" my son asked coldly.
am not so zen always remain impassive when provoked. I do not want to be a father hit him, but I caught George scratch the arm to stop attacking his brother. I apologized to the warning of the weasel, "Listen to me, then I will not have to physically restrain."
My son is not stupid. Feel my way and aversion which poisons our relationship. I lurch between forgiveness and punishment unnecessary. If you ban your favorite sport as punishment, feed your anger. The criminal justice system is not a deterrent. But if we speak we hoarse just listening. Or may cry, feel sorry undergo a hug, then poison and violence when the trial.
After 10 years of instinctive hand cack, maternal self-analysis, it seems to have no idea what to do.
not help a certain level pathetic itching that was inevitable scolding loudly dysfunction across generations. I was a child obediently autocratic parents: I never, never responded. My own mother screamed and kicked. She was constantly safe and incandescent rage at the slightest offense. I do not fear my son secretly, by their ingratitude, because happy, but infuriating that is not afraid of your mother?
course, my son is concerned with the aunt, but I decided to take voluntary stupid and have a fight about it. Meanwhile, George derive grim satisfaction to see me lose. He is spoiled - not physically - but often gets his way. I do not know what I have to deal with: the insolence or your cause - why
Over time, you must stop excusing their failures and take
responsibility for their attitudes and actions. My conditional approval is, no doubt, but when it does extend the retention love? We spent some time with our son - a bit of quality, some purgatory. I often wish I worked in an office: in spite of homemade meals, Filming in various sports, reading together, familiarity breeds contempt
am critical, he corrected his table manners 10 times in one sitting. What discipline supposedly for their own good, but for mine. It is often a loser, occasional layers, which drives me crazy. I do not always accept the child that I have.- When I begin to write this, vented my frustration, every word feels like a betrayal of a child who must trust me. My sister-in-law said: "It is so hard to please - he always looks for your approval."
I also see Gaynor Sbuttoni, a school psychologist who specializes in emotional issues. She says that as a parent, I must see what I'm second. I allow him to be angry, to find a solution, but to limit the behavior. Say: "You can not hurt anyone, can not hurt you and you can not break things, but you can overwrite and scream and get your anger and when you're finished we'll go ahead and do it. Correct. "
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