วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

When breaking the rules can be good for players

In the latest feature
Gamasutra, says Josh Bycer break the rules of the game is a sin against the players - but when you leave the player does, it makes it a better Thurs "If you've ever seen, or is part of a game where the child permanently changes the rules to prevent the loss of self, you remember how frustrating it can be - and you can see the correlation in the video ...

Find best price for : --Bycer----Josh--

Dirty Fan Art Gets a Helping Hand [Nsfw]

Click here to read Dirty Fan Art Gets a Helping Hand

วันพุธที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Here's How John Carmack Will Put Doom 3 All Up in Your Face [Watch This]

"Support for head-mounted displays." That one little nugget about the upcoming Doom 3 BFG Edition stuck out like a sore thumb when this morning's news hit. If you wondered what that might look like, check out the video from the Verge, which shows giant goggles jerry-rigged by Doom co-creator John Carmack. When a Verge commenter cast aspersion on the tech Carmack used for his head-mounted display, the man himself showed to slap away criticisms. Don't argue with a genius, kids. More »
Doom 3
Everything in your face "alt =" Click here to read Here is how John Carmack will
Destination Everything in your face "src =" http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17o8mawj7svtppng/original.png "width = 190 height = 120>

Find best price for : --Your----Carmack----John--

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Rock Band Blitz tracks include Elton John, All-American Rejects, Iron Maiden, more

Harmonix has revealed some new songs destined its driver powered Rock Band Blitz

. The list has a lot of variety, including Elton John, "I'm still standing," All-American Rejects "street children," Iron Maiden "The Wicker Man" and Fall Out Boy "A little less Sixteen Candles". Living Colour also has a track - let us guess

Joystiq Harmonix has also released a short video that explains in part the


Find best price for : --Rock----Joystiq----Blitz----Iron----Elton----Band--

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

New SBK Generations screens burn serious rubber

PSA: Sega Vintage Collection now available on XBLA

XBLA Sega Vintage collections are available today on Xbox Live Arcade, ie Monster World IV > was officially launched in North America, in English, on all three platforms today. Incredible! You can also buy Alex Kidd

Joystiq, in collaboration with
Revenge of Shinobi aa


Find best price for : --Joystiq----XBLA----Collection----Vintage----Sega--

วันพุธที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Secret Code - Conception: Please Give Birth to My Child, Awesomenauts

In this week show that shoot a bunch of dinosaurs, have sex with a young Japanese find life on Mars and save the universe with a monkey on Russia with a jet-pack.

Secret Code - Conception: Please Give Birth to My Child

In this week show that shoot a bunch of dinosaurs, have sex with a young Japanese find life on Mars and save the universe with a monkey on Russia with a jet-pack.

Kotomon review

a musical action strategy that spends his bold ideas with bad execution.

Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co and Monster World

The Cutest Little Eclipse Gazers Will Melt Your Heart [Japan]

Click here to read The Cutest Little Eclipse Gazers Will Melt Your Heart

Yesterday, much of Asia and parts of North America has experienced an eclipse solar. The result was beautiful. However, add in some solder masks and young children, and the result was
Find best price for : --Asia--

Warn your family: Kung-Fu Superstar is motion-controlled martial arts


Fu Superstar

is a new Kinect Joystiq kinesthetic Games, a developer composed of former officials "Codemasters, EA, Climax, Lionhead Studios and others." It is also a great excuse to clean your room and perhaps send their children to visit friends, for fear that it all started.

Find best price for : --Warn----Superstar----Zarifis----Kostas----Studios----Lionhead----Kinect--

วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555